Day One: Escaping the long arm of the law.
On the first day, we loaded up the bikes and headed west! As we rode up I-70 I felt so confidant and excited. The sky was that perfect Colorado blue and there wasn’t any wind. We made our first stop just shy of the turn-off to go to Winter Park to put on more clothes — brrrr! It’s cold. As we pulled back on to the road I imagined my alter-ego of La Femme Nakita on her motorcycle emerging! J But, that may have been due to the mix in my iPod at the time — you can hear everything from Ertha Kitt to Gary Glitter on that thing! (Ooooh! Don’t you hate it when writers make up a false range? Like there’s a distinct traceable line from Eartha Kitt to Gary Glitter? But, hey this is my blog, so get over it!) Anyhow the day wouldn’t have been complete for an outlaw biker like myself, without a visit from Johnny Law. Well, actually it was Paris who got pulled over just outside of Grand Junction. The copper said that he was riding in the passing lane for too long. The funny part was that when Paris was pulled over, I pulled over too. I came up behind the cop car and that FREAKED The Man out! He had one hand on his holster and was shouting, “Stop! Stop!” (Of course, I have no idea what he was actually saying because I was listening to AC/DC and fancying myself a renegade biker.) But the stance was unmistakable. Due to his charm and personality, as well as excellent ass-kissing skills, Paris convinced the cop that he wasn’t cruising in the passing lane, but merely trying to check-in with his wife to make sure she was OK, this being her first road trip and all. (What a sweetie!)
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